יום ראשון, 20 בפברואר 2011

Organized mess

Hanoi is Vietnam big city in the north.
thousand of motorbikes run across the street with complete chaos,
traffic-lights are held only as a recommendation.
closing your eyes might make you think
that your standing in the middle of a massive and busy beehive.
this would be exact if bees could honk

The noise fills the city 
and crossing the street in Hanoi 
is considered to be a tourist attraction.
separating  the fearless locals from the visiting tourists.
crossing is done one step at time 
but instead of being angry or impatient
people are calm
even the honking is not done with aggression as in Israel
but as part of the driving culture.
no accident were seen by us
and in-spite of all  
the preferred place for Vietnamese to have breakfast / lunch /dinner 
is on a small stall on the pavement
(its probably going to be a noddle soup)   >>> "Pho"    

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